AXIS Optimizer offers easy management of Axis device events and faster forensic search

Axis Communications announces the release of version 5.2 of AXIS Optimizer for Milestone XProtect. This latest version offers improved functionality for managing Axis device events directly in XProtect. It also introduces Axis consolidated metadata which significantly accelerates forensic search investigations.

AXIS Optimizer 5.2 includes a dedicated control panel for Axis device events to help system admin roles get a full status overview of, manage, and troubleshoot events directly in XProtect. It offers a central hub to see all available and subscribed events associated with Axis devices in the system. This allows users to quickly search for events for all connected devices, add or remove events from devices, setup events for multiple devices in batch, view status of events, and more.

This latest release also offers support for consolidated metadata to speed up forensic search investigations. Ideal for client-side forensic search operations, this processing technique significantly reduces the total amount of data to be analyzed, as metadata is only generated when objects appear or disappear in a scene. This results in Axis cameras generating up to 50 times less metadata, so forensic search can be performed up to 50 times faster.


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