Microsoft and Oracle Bring Enterprise Cloud Interoperability to European Customers

Microsoft and Oracle are extending their cloud collaboration with a new cloud interconnect location in Amsterdam. This is good news for the many local businesses that rely on software from both companies. The new Amsterdam interconnect will enable these businesses to share data across applications running in Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud.

The facility in Amsterdam—a strategic data center hub for Europe—joins interconnected regions already up and running in Toronto; Ashburn, Virginia; and London, and is part of a broader Oracle-Microsoft cloud interoperability collaboration announced last year.

The goal of the overall collaboration is to make it faster and easier for enterprises to move their on premise workloads to the cloud that best suits the specific needs of an application. For example, an enterprise customer may want to run a mission-critical application on Azure or Azure IoT-based services on Microsoft Azure connected to Oracle’s Autonomous Database or Exadata on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Or they may want related Microsoft-centric and Oracle-centric apps to communicate in the cloud in via a low latency connection.


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