Zyxel “Hardware-as-a-Service” now available through exertis UK

Zyxel has used the expertise and experience it gained in developing the Nebula cloud service to make its switches and wireless devices available “as-a-service” – and partners can now offer this as an option to their customers through distributor Exertis UK. Kevin Drinkall, EMEA Market Development Manager at Zyxel, believe it’s an option many customers will consider.

If you are involved in the technology business, the trend toward the delivery of all aspects of IT “as a service” can’t have escaped your notice. This was triggered by the arrival of the cloud a few years ago and subsequent advances in communications and applications management made it viable to provide software as a service (SaaS). The idea soon caught on and before too long, we saw infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and even desktop as a service (DaaS) offerings on the market.

It was only a matter of time before IT solutions and services were made available on an as-a-service basis. Indeed, hardware as a service (HaaS) propositions have been available for some time, and Zyxel itself has now entered a partnership with Exertis UK, one of our distribution partners in Europe, to offer our products through their platform.


Swapping Capex for Opex

We have been working with Exertis to integrate within their HaaS platform. That work has now been completed and we are ready to offer our switching and wireless products on the Exertis JEM platform. We are excited about this development, as are many of our partners. We believe that – once they know it is available – it will also be a popular option with customers who are embracing the as-a-service approach to IT wherever they can. Explains, Rachel Rothwell, Regional Director at Zyxel Exertis’ JEM platform provides VARs with the ability to offer their customers hardware and software products on a subscription payment basis. Instead of purchasing in a typical and traditional CAPEX model, paying a capital sum, and having to take on the ownership of those products (along with the responsibility for managing them and keeping the licensing updated).

This new method enables VARs a much simpler way to work and manage their clients, simplifying the licensing and hardware purchasing process by rolling-it all together in one pre-agreed monthly payment. This additionally allow VARs to be much more competitive, flexible and even allows them to offer higher-specification products to clients who are often on tighter budgets.


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